Faculty of the Department of History, East Asian Languages and Cultures (E), Barnard Department of History (B), and other schools or departments (O).
Ahmed, Manan
Associate Professor
ma3179@columbia.edu -
Baics, Gergely (B)
Professor, Barnard College
gbaics@barnard.edu , (212) 854-0023 -
Barkan, Elazar (O)
Professor of International and Public Affairs, SIPA
eb2302@columbia.edu , (212) 854-9463 -
Barraclough, Ruth
Korea Foundation Associate Professor of Modern Korean History
rb3029@columbia.edu -
Billows, Richard A.
rab4@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4486 -
Blackmar, Elizabeth S.
Mary and David Boies Professor of American History
eb16@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3016 -
Blake, Casey N.
cb460@columbia.edu , (212) 854-1785 -
Brown, Christopher
clb2140@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4591 -
Caglioti, Angelo
Assistant Professor, Barnard College
acagliot@barnard.edu , 212-854-2159 -
Cameron, Euan (O)
Professor, Union Theological Seminary
ecameron@uts.columbia.edu , (212) 280-1550 -
Carlebach, Elisheva
Salo Wittmayer Baron Professor of Jewish History, Culture and Society
ec607@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5294 -
Carnes, Mark (B)
Professor, Barnard College
mc422@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5943 -
Chamberlin, Paul Thomas
Associate Professor
ptc2121@columbia.edu , (212) 854-0159 -
Chauncey, George
DeWitt Clinton Professor of American History
george.chauncey@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5220 -
Chazkel, Amy
Bernard Hirschhorn Associate Professor of Urban Studies
ac2227@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2246 -
Coatsworth, John H.
Professor of International and Public Affairs and of History
jhc2125@columbia.edu , (212) 853-0344 -
Coleman, Charly
Associate Professor
cc3472@columbia.edu , (212) 851-0126 -
Connelly, Matthew
mjc96@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4563 -
Delbanco, Andrew (O)
Alexander Hamilton Professor of American Studies
ad19@columbia.edu -
Diouf, Mamadou (O)
Leitner Family Professor of African Studies
md2573@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4083 -
Dye, Alan (O)
Professor, Economics
ad245@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3868 -
Elshakry, Marwa
Associate Professor
me2335@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5914 -
Evtuhov, Catherine
ce2308@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2420 -
Farber, Hannah
Associate Professor
hannah.farber@columbia.edu , 212-853-8141 -
Fields, Barbara
William R. Shephard Professor of History , (212) 854-3004 -
Force, Pierre (O)
Professor, Department of French and Romance Philology
pf3@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5526 -
George, Abosede (B)
Professor, Barnard College
ageorge@barnard.edu , (212) 854-3645 -
Guridy, Frank
Dr. Kenneth and Kareitha Forde Professor of African American and African Diaspora Studies
fg2368@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4520 -
Haley, Sarah
Associate Professor
sh4210@columbia.edu , 212-853-8092 -
Hallett, Hilary A.
Professor of History and Mendelson Family Associate Professor of American Studies; Director, Center for American Studies
hah2117@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5902 -
Hymes, Robert (E)
Horace Walpole Carpentier Professor of Oriental Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
hymes@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2580 -
Jacoby, Karl
Allan Nevins Professor of American History
kj2305@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3009 -
John Ma (O)
Professor of Classics Chair, Classics
jtm2179@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5682 -
John, Richard R. (O)
Professor, School of Journalism
rrj2115@columbia.edu , (212) 854-0547 -
Karjoo-Ravary, Ali
Richard W. Bulliet Assistant Professor of Islamic History
ak4847@columbia.edu , 212-853-4154 -
Katznelson, Ira I.
Interim Provost; Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History
iik1@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3646 -
Ko, Dorothy Y. (B)
Professor, Barnard College
dko@barnard.edu , (212) 854-9624 -
Kobrin, Rebecca A.
Russell and Bettina Knapp Associate Professor of American Jewish History
rk2351@columbia.edu , (212) 854-9017 -
Kosto, Adam
James R. Barker Professor of Contemporary Civilization
ajkosto@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3005 -
Kreitman, Paul (E)
Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
pk2528@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5027 -
Lean, Eugenia Y. (E)
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
eyl2006@columbia.edu , (212) 854-1742 -
Li, Feng (E)
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
fl123@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2510 -
Lightfoot, Natasha
Associate Professor
njl2106@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5915 -
Lilla, Mark (O)
Professor of Humanities
mlilla@columbia.edu -
Lipman, Andrew (B)
Professor, Barnard College
alipman@barnard.edu , (212) 854-5046 -
Lomnitz, Claudio (O)
Campbell Family Professor of Anthropology
cl2510@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5932 -
Lurie, David (E)
Associate Professor of Japanese History and Literature, East Asian Languages and Cultures
dbl11@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5316 -
Maiuro, Marco (O)
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Archaeology
mm3397@columbia.edu -
Mann, Gregory
gm522@columbia.edu -
Mazower, Mark
Ira D. Wallach Professor of History
mm2669@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4576 -
Mazurek, Malgorzata
Associate Professor of Polish Studies
mm4293@columbia.edu , (212)854-2514 -
McCurry, Stephanie
R. Gordon Hoxie Professor of American History in Honor of Dwight D. Eisenhower
sm4041@columbia.edu , (212) 854-1741 -
Milanich, Nara (B)
Professor, Barnard College
nmilanic@barnard.edu , (212) 854-1935 -
Moya, Jose C. (B)
Professor, Barnard College
jmoya@barnard.edu , (212) 854-5097 -
Nadasen, Premilla (B)
Professor, Barnard College
pnadasen@barnard.edu , (212) 854-5820 -
Ngai, Mae
Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History
mn53@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2518 -
Nguyen, Lien-Hang T.
Dorothy Borg Associate Professor in the History of the United States and East Asia
ln2358@columbia.edu , (212) 854-0129 -
Pedersen, Susan G.
Gouverneur Morris Professor of History
sp2216@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2414 -
Pflugfelder, Gregory M. (E)
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
gmp12@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5035 -
Phillips-Fein, Kim
Robert Gardiner-Kenneth T. Jackson Professor of History
kkp4@columbia.edu , 212-853-4153 -
Piccato, Pablo A.
pp143@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3725 -
Pizzigoni, Caterina Luigia
Associate Professor
cp2313@columbia.edu , (212) 854-8709 -
Ramgopal, Sailakshmi
Assistant Professor
sr3658@columbia.edu -
Ramnath, Kalyani
Assistant Professor
kr2573@columbia.edu -
Rao, Anupama (B)
Professor, Barnard College
arao@barnard.edu , (212) 854-8547 -
Robcis, Camille
Professor of History and French
car2129@columbia.edu , (212) 854-1967 -
Roberts, Samuel K.
Associate Professor of History and of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health
skroberts@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2430 -
Rosner, David K.
Ronald H. Lauterstein Professor of Sociomedical Sciences and Professor of History
dr289@columbia.edu , (212) 305-1727 -
Saada, Emmanuelle (O)
Professor; Director of the Center for French and Francophone Studies
es2593@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3691 -
Schama, Simon
University Professor
Personal Assistant: Jennifer Sonntag - jrs2011@columbia.edu -
Schwartz, Seth
Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Classical Jewish Civilization
srs166@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5907 -
Şen, A. Tunç
Assistant Professor
ats2171@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5911 -
Şenocak, Neslihan
Associate Professor
nsenocak@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5910 -
Sivaramakrishnan, Kavita
Associate Professor, Sociomedical Sciences
ks2890@columbia.edu -
Skorobogatov, Yana
Harriman Assistant Professor of Russian and Soviet History
ys3668@columbia.edu -
Smith, Pamela H.
Seth Low Professor of History; Director of the Center for Science and Society
ps2270@columbia.edu , (212) 854-7662 -
Stafford, James
Assistant Professor
jms2533@columbia.edu -
Stanislawski, Michael
Nathan J. Miller Professor of Jewish History
mfs3@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2482 -
Steingart, Alma
Assistant Professor
as2475@columbia.edu -
Stephanson, Anders
Andrew and Virginia Rudd Family Foundation Professor of History
ags8@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3002 -
Stephens, Rhiannon
r.stephens@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4160 -
Tiersten, Lisa (B)
Professor, Barnard College
ltierste@barnard.edu , (212) 854-4733 -
Tooze, Adam
Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History
adam.tooze@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2434 -
Tuttle, Gray (E)
Leila Hadley Luce Associate Professor of Modern Tibetan Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
gwt2102@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4096 -
Valenze, Deborah (B)
Professor, Barnard College
dvalenze@barnard.edu , (212) 854-5940 -
Van De Mieroop, Marc
Miriam Champion Professor of History
mv1@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5913 -
Weiman, David (O)
Alena Wels Hirschorn '58 Professor of Economics
dweiman@barnard.edu , (212) 854-5755 -
Wennerlind, Carl (B)
Professor, Barnard College
cwennerl@barnard.edu , (212) 854-2055 -
Witgen, Michael
mw3528@columbia.edu -
Zelin, Madeleine (E)
Dean Lung Professor of Chinese Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
mhz1@columbia.edu , (212) 854-1727