EALAC and Other Faculty
Barkan, Elazar (O)
Professor of International and Public Affairs, SIPA
eb2302@columbia.edu , (212) 854-9463 -
Cameron, Euan (O)
Professor, Union Theological Seminary
ecameron@uts.columbia.edu , (212) 280-1550 -
Delbanco, Andrew (O)
Alexander Hamilton Professor of American Studies
ad19@columbia.edu -
Diouf, Mamadou (O)
Leitner Family Professor of African Studies
md2573@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4083 -
Dye, Alan (O)
Professor, Economics
ad245@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3868 -
Force, Pierre (O)
Professor, Department of French and Romance Philology
pf3@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5526 -
Hymes, Robert (E)
Horace Walpole Carpentier Professor of Oriental Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
hymes@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2580 -
John Ma (O)
Professor of Classics Chair, Classics
jtm2179@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5682 -
John, Richard R. (O)
Professor, School of Journalism
rrj2115@columbia.edu , (212) 854-0547 -
Kreitman, Paul (E)
Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
pk2528@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5027 -
Lean, Eugenia Y. (E)
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
eyl2006@columbia.edu , (212) 854-1742 -
Li, Feng (E)
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
fl123@columbia.edu , (212) 854-2510 -
Lilla, Mark (O)
Professor of Humanities
mlilla@columbia.edu -
Lomnitz, Claudio (O)
Campbell Family Professor of Anthropology
cl2510@columbia.edu , (212) 851-5932 -
Lurie, David (E)
Associate Professor of Japanese History and Literature, East Asian Languages and Cultures
dbl11@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5316 -
Maiuro, Marco (O)
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Archaeology
mm3397@columbia.edu -
Pflugfelder, Gregory M. (E)
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
gmp12@columbia.edu , (212) 854-5035 -
Saada, Emmanuelle (O)
Professor; Director of the Center for French and Francophone Studies
es2593@columbia.edu , (212) 854-3691 -
Sivaramakrishnan, Kavita
Associate Professor, Sociomedical Sciences
ks2890@columbia.edu -
Tuttle, Gray (E)
Leila Hadley Luce Associate Professor of Modern Tibetan Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
gwt2102@columbia.edu , (212) 854-4096 -
Weiman, David (O)
Alena Wels Hirschorn '58 Professor of Economics
dweiman@barnard.edu , (212) 854-5755 -
Zelin, Madeleine (E)
Dean Lung Professor of Chinese Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures
mhz1@columbia.edu , (212) 854-1727 - No matching entries