Office Hours
Spring 2025: Mondays, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Ph.D. — Harvard University, 1979
A.M. — Harvard University, 1975
A.B. — Harvard College, 1973
Interests and Research
Michael Stanislawski, Nathan J. Miller Professor of History, specializes in Jewish, European intellectual and Russian history.
- Editorial Board, Shvut: Studies in Russian and East European Jewish History and Culture, Tel Aviv University
- Academic Committee, The Rothberg School of Overseas Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Academic Committee, Program Judaica at the Russian State University of the Humanities, Moscow
- International Advisory Committee on Jewish Studies, Central European University, Budapest
A Murder in Lemberg: Politics, Religion, & Violence in Modern Jewish History
Autobiographical Jews: Studies in Jewish Self-Fashioning
Zionism and the Fin-de-Siecle: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism from Nordau to Jabotinsky
For Whom Do I Toil? Judah Leib Gordon and the Crisis of Russian Jewry
Psalms for the Tsar: A Minute-Book of a Psalms-Society in the Russian Army, 1864-1867
Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The Transformation of Jewish Society in Russia, 1825-1855
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews Study Guide
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews Source Reader
Selected Scholarly Articles
"A Jewish Monk? A Legal and Ideological Analysis of thje Origins of the "Who is a Jew" Controversy in Israel, " in Eli Lederhendler and Jack Wertheimer eds., Text and Context: Essays in Modern Jewish History and Historiography in Honor of Ismar Schorsch (JTS, 2005).
"Introduction," to Vladimir Jabotinsky, The Five, translated from the Russian by Michael R. Katz (Cornell, 2005).
"Towards an Analysis of the 'Bi'ur' as Exegesis; Moses Mendelssohn's Commentary on the Revelation at Sinai," Neti'ot Ledavid; Jubilee Volume for David Weiss Halivni, ed. by Yaakov Elman, Ephraim Bezalel Halivni, Zvi Arie Steinfeld. (Jerusalem: Orhot, 2004).
"Reflections on the Russian Rabbinate," in Jack Wertheimer, ed., Jewish Religious Leadership: Image and Reality, vol. 2 (JTS, 2004).
"Simone Weil et Raïssa Maritain," Cahiers du Judaïsme, 11 (2001-2002) 97-107.
"Eastern European Jewry in the Modern Period (1750-1939), " in Martin Goodman, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies (Oxford, 2002).
"Von Jugenstil zum "Judenstil": Universalismus und Nationalismus in Werk Ephraim Moses Liliens," in M. Brenner and Y. Weiss, ed., Zionistische Utopie-israelitische Realitat (Munich, 1999).