Egry, Gábor

Istvan Deak Visiting Professor


2006 PhD in History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
1999 MA in History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Awards, Grants, and Prizes

2025 - Vehudit and Yehuda Elkana Fellowship at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
2023-2024 - Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship, European University Institute History Department
2020 - Second Annual Austrian Studies Lecture at the University of Leiden.
2018 - Mark Pittaway Article Prize of the Hungarian Studies Association
2017 - ERC Consolidator Grant, Nepostrans project (2018-2023)
2016 - Fulbrigt Visiting Research Scholar, Stanford University, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
2014–2015 - Fellowship of the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena
2009-2010 - Europa Fellow, New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study,Bucharest
2008–2010 - „Bolyai János” Research Fellowship of the HAS.


8244 GR Austro-Hungarian Economic Imperialism and Economic Space 1870-1940
4298 GU Food in Modern East Central Europe: A Cultural and Political History

Selected Publications

Books, edited volumes

The Empire’s New Clothes. How Austria-Hungary’s Legacy Kept the Successor States Running. Leiden, Foundation for Austrian Studies, 2022.

Etnicitás, identitás, politika. Magyar kisebbségek a nacionalizmus és a regionalizmus között Romániában és Csehszlovákiában, 1918–1944. [Ethnicity, identity, politics. Hungarian minorities between nationalism and regionalism in Romania and Czechoslovakia, 1918–1944] Budapest, Napvilág, 2015

Nemzeti védgát vagy szolíd haszonszerzés?: Az erdélyi szászok pénzintézeti rendszere és szerepe a nemzeti mozgalomban (1835-1914). [Dike of the Nation or a Moderate Drive for Profit? The Finacial System of the Transylvanian Saxons and its Role in the National Movement (1835-1914).] Csíkszereda, Pro-Print Könyvkiadó, 2009. (Múltunk könyvek)

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

The Rise of Titans? Economic Transition and Local Elites in Post-1918 Banat and Transylvania, European Review of History/Revue Européene d’Histoire 31 (2024) 5 (forthcoming)

“Lawful” Revisionism? The Lawful Revolution and the Revision of 1848 in Hungarian 
Historiography. Journal of Austrian-American History 7 (2023) 1: 27–36.

Fallen between Two Stools? Imperial Legacies, State-Society Relationships and the 
Limits of Building a Nation-State in Romania after the First World War, Südost- Forschungen 79 (2020): 1 4-31.

Unruly borderlands: border-making, peripheralization and layered regionalism in post-
First World War Maramureș and the Banat. European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 27 (2020) 6: 709-731.

Unholy Allances? Language Exams, Loyalty and Identification in Interwar Romania. 
Slavic Review, 2017 Winter, 959-982.

The world between us. Negotiating social categories of the State Security in interwar 
Romania. East Central Europe 2017/1, 17-46.

An Anti-Communist Revolution of Gastronomy. The Gastronomy Renewal Movement 
and Hungarian History. Medialni Studia ) (2015) 2: 104-119

Phantom Menaces; Ethnic Categorization, Loyalty, and State Security in Interwar 
Romania. Hungarian Historical Review, 3 (2014) 3: 516–548

Navigating the Straits. Changing Borders, Changing Rules and Practices of Ethnicity 
and Loyalty in Romania after 1918. Hungarian Historical Review, 2. (2013) 3:449–476.

Book chapters

Unlikely Brothers? Entangled Székely and Moți Peripheries in a Contested Province: Transylvania 1900–1944, In Warnke, Ingo H.; Seiler Brylla, Charlotta; Bonacchi, Silvia; Acke, Hanna (eds.) Religious and National Discourses. Contradictory Belonging, Minorities, Marginality and Centrality, De Gruyter, Oldenbourg 2023, 11–36.

Nationale Selbstbestimmung – ohne Nationen? Territoriale Neugliederung und 
nationalstaatliche Legimitation in Westungarn/Burgenland 1918-1922. In: Schmitt, Oliver Jens and Stauber, Reinhard (eds.) Frieden durch Volksabstimmungen? Selbstbestimmungsrecht und Gebietsreferenden nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, WienVerlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien 2022, 221–248.

The Leftover Empire? Imperial Legacies and Statehood in the Successor States of 
Austria-Hungary. In Postwar Continuity and New Challenges in Central Europe, 1918–1923, eds. Ruszała, Kamil, and Tomasz Pudłocki. Routledge 2021, 81–102. doi:10.4324/9781003185017-8.

Mit Regionalismus Gegen Regionalismus?. In Regionsmacher in Ostmitteleuropa, 
eds. Maria, Ciesla, Jagodzinski Sabine, Kmak-Pamirska Aleksandra, Nebřenský Zdenek, and Reznik Miloš. Einzelveröffentlichungen Des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau. Osnabrück: Fibre Verlag. 2021: 81–96.

Negotiating Post-Imperial Transitions: Local Societies and Nationalizing States in 
East Central Europe. In Embers of Empire. Continuity and Rupture in the Habsburg Successor States after 1918, eds. Paul, Miller, Claire, Morelon. Berghahn Books, 2019, 15–42.

Beyond Politics. National Indifference as Everyday Ethnicity. In National Indifference and the History of Nationalism in Modern Europe. Ed. van Ginderachter Maarten and Fox Jon. New York: Routledge 2019: 145–160. doi:10.4324/9781315145402-8.

A full list of publications is accessible here.