Çelik, Zeynep

Adjunct Senior Research Schlolar

Office Hours
Fall 2024:TBD



  • Europe Knows Nothing about the Orient: A Critical Discourse from the East, 1872-1932, Istanbul: Koç University Press, 2021.   
  • About Antiquities: Politics of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2016.
  • Empire, Architecture, and the City: French-Ottoman Encounters, 1830-1914, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2008. [Society of Architectural Historians Spiro Kostof Book Award, 2010]
  • Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers under French Rule, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
  • Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth Century World’s Fairs, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
  • The Remaking of Istanbul: Portrait of an Ottoman City in the Nineteenth Century, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1986; paperback edition by University of California Press, 1993. [Institute of Turkish Studies Book Award, 1987]


Edited Books:

  • Camera Ottomana: Photography and Ottoman  Modernity, 1840-1914, Istanbul: Koç University Press, 2015 (with Edhem Eldem)
  • Scramble for the Past: A Story of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753-1914, Istanbul: SALT Publications, 2011 (with Zainab Bahrani and Edhem Eldem).
  • Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the City through Text and Image (with Julia Clancy-Smith and Frances Terpak), Seattle and London: University of Washington Press/Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2009.
  • Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space, Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1993 (with Diane Favro and Richard Ingersoll).


Selected Articles and Book Chapters:

  • Colonial statues and their afterlives,” Journal of North African Studies, v. 25, no. 5 (Fall 2020)
  • “Late Ottoman Visions of Palestine: Railroads, Maps, and Aerial Photography,” Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 82 (Summer 2020) (with Zeinab Azerbadegan).
  •  “Reflections on Architectural History Forty Years after Edward Said’s Orientalism,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 2018.
  • “Framing the Colony: Houses of Algiers Photographed,” Art History 27/3: (May 2004).
  • “Learning From the Bidonville: CIAM Looks at Algiers,” Harvard Design Magazine, Spring 2003.
  • “Colonial / Postcolonial Intersections: Lieux de mémoire in Algiers,” Third Text 49 (January 2000).
  • “Gendered Spaces in Colonial Algiers” in D. Agrest, L. Weisman, and P. Conway, eds., The Sex of Architecture, New York: Harry N.  Abrams, Inc., 1996.
  • “Colonialism, Orientalism, and the Canon” (Critical Perspectives: Rethinking the Canon), Art Bulletin, v. LXXVIII, no. 2 (June 1996).
  • “Le Corbusier, Orientalism, Colonialism,” Assemblage 17 (Spring 1992).



“Palestine from Above,” Qattan Foundation, Ramallah, Fall 2021 (co-curator)

“Camera Ottomana: Photography and Ottoman Modernity, 1840-1914,” Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Koç University, Istanbul, April 2015-August 2015 (co-curator)

“1001 Faces of Orientalism,” Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul, April 2013-October 2013 (co-curator)

“Scramble for the Past: A Story of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753-1914,” SALT Galata Galeri, Istanbul, November  2011-March 2012 (co-curator).

“Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the City,” Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, May 18, 2009-October 19, 2009 (co-curator)


PhD University of California, Berkeley; M.Arch, Rice University; B. Arch, Istanbul
Technical University


Selected Fellowships and Awards:

Tamayouz Award, 2019
Giorgio Levi Della Vida Award, UCLA, 2019
University of Ghent, Sarton Medal, 2014.
Vehbi Koç Award, 2014
Bosporus University, Honorary Doctorate, 2013
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 2012
American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, 2011, 2004, and 1993
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 2004