Almukhtar, Amnah

Field: Middle East; Advisor: Elshakry; Year: 2016

Amnah Almukhtar is a Ph.D. Candidate whose areas of research interest include modern Middle East, modern Iraq, and intellectual history, particularly political and social theory and philosophy of history. During her time at Columbia, she served as a Teaching Assistant for History of the Modern Middle East with Rashid Khalidi, was awarded the GSAS International Travel Fellowship, held editorial positions with the International Labor & Working Class History Journal (ILWCH) as well as the journal of Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East (CSSAAME), and is currently teaching as a Core Curriculum Preceptor in Contemporary Civilization. She also co-organized a conference on Iraqi Studies: Past, Present, and Future. She received her MA in Middle Eastern Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center, and her BA from Fordham University, where she double-majored in Philosophy and International Studies with a Middle East concentration.