Courses: First-year students in Latin American History are required to enroll in GR8910 Introduction to History and Historiography, and in the M.A. seminar, GR9660x-GR9661y Latin American Master’s Seminar. This seminar involves the writing of an article-length paper based on primary sources and a review of the relevant historiography. During their first or second year students must take the graduate colloquia on the literature of the field from the colonial and national period. All students are required to take 6 courses in the first year. In the second year students enroll in two courses each semester, at least two of which must be graduate colloquia. These requirements may be adapted for students with advanced standing.
Languages: Students are required to pass examinations in three foreign languages before taking the oral exam: Portuguese, Spanish, and either French or German. Students might replace one of these with another language according to their research project.
Orals: Orals are to be taken in the sixth term. The major field is divided into the colonial, nineteenth-, and twentieth century periods, with the minor field from outside the department or in another area of history.
Dissertation Prospectus: Students are encouraged to defend their dissertation prospectuses no later than their sixth term or early in their seventh.