The Graduate Program
Students begin research for the dissertation after they receive their M.Phil. degree, which is earned after successful completion of required course work, language exams, and an oral qualifying exam that covers three subjects in the student’s major field of study and one in their minor field. Students typically reach this stage during their third year of graduate study, although some do not complete these tasks until the fourth year.
More information may be found at the American Historical Association page for the department.
2024-25 Department of History Dissertations-in-Progress
Dissertator, Last name | Dissertator, First Name | Dissertation Title | Field | Cohort Year | Advisor (last, first name) |
Agustin Mendez | Josias | "You are still Earth Buffalo": Bison Resiliency and Indigenous Sovereignty at the Turn of the 20th Century | United States | 2020 | Jacoby, Karl |
Akcaguner | Yasemin | Celestial Bodies: Astral Science, Medicine and the Lifecycle in the Ottoman Empire (1757-1839). | Middle East | 2018 | Sen, Tunc |
Assayag | Elya | Embroidering Histories: Women’s day-to-day experience in French Colonial Morocco (1912-1956) | Modern Europe | 2019 | Saada, Emmanuelle |
Banis | Dillon | The Roots of Modern Sugar: Sugar Beets, Globalization, and Geopolitics in Germany’s Transformation of Sugar Production and Consumption, c. 1870-1920. | Modern Europe | 2019 | Tooze, Adam |
Bilalutdinov | Azat | Diplomats for the Empire: Tsarist Consulates and the Russian-Ottoman Encounter in the Balkans 1856-1914. | Modern Europe | 2018 | Evtuhov, Catherine |
Bostock | Sahar | Grounding Colonization: Ottoman, British, and Zionist Development in the Desert of Southern Palestine, 1830-1950. | Middle East | 2018 | Khalidi, Rashid and Elshakry, Marwa |
Branscum | Elizabeth | “That Sicknesse of Nine Months”: Health, Pregnancy, and Medical Advice Literature in Early Modern England (1500-1750) | Early Modern | 2019 | Robcis, Camille and Smith, Pamela |
Brown | Evan | Organized Baseball: Reworking the Transnational Circuit, 1946-1965 | United States | 2019 | Guridy, Frank |
Buckley | James | Political Knowledge and Scholarly Time in Early Modern France. | Early Modern Europe | 2017 | Coleman, Charly |
Burke | Julia | Abortion in 19th Century Britain | Modern Europe | 2020 | Pedersen, Susan |
Castro | Shakti | Agenda of Survival: Puerto Ricans, Public Health, and the Politics of Harm Reduction, 1970-2000 | United States | 2019 | Roberts, Samuel |
Coon | Ella | Control Data: American Power and the Rise of the Global Assembly Line, 1962-1982. | United States | 2019 | Tooze, Adam |
DeVaan | Juliana | Scenes of Experimentation: A Cultural History of New York at the End of the 20th | United States | 2020 | Blake, Casey |
Dwyer | Claire | Noblewomen's Networks across Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Iberia | Medieval Europe | 2020 | Kosto, Adam |
Ellenbogen | Yakov | Disability in Ashkenazic Society, 1200-1500 | Jewish | 2018 | Carlebach, Elisheva and Kosto Adam |
Faulkner | Amanda | Insiders and Outsiders: Individuals and Community in the Dutch World, 1609-1715 | Early Modern Europe | 2018 | Smith, Pamela |
Gioia | Michael | Trans-Atlantic Separations: Liberal Catholics and the Separation of Church and State in France and the United States, 1830-1870 | Modern Europe | 2019 | Coleman, Charly |
Giovanopoulou | Afroditi | Recasting Global Law: Pragmatism in the History of the Postwar Order (1939-1957). | Internal and Global | 2017 | Mazower, Mark |
Gorton | Alice | Earth Hunger: Land, Labor, and the Origins of the Settler Colonial Grain Industry, 1846-1914. | Modern Europe | 2018 | Pedersen, Susan |
Greene | Victoria | Gendered Warfare in the Polis Landscape: The experiences of Women in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) | Ancient | 2019 | Ma, John |
Greenland | Sally | She Who Rules the World: Women, Political Authority, and the Office of Great Khan in the Early Mongol Empire, 1227-1259 | East Asia | 2020 | Hymes, Robert |
Houman | Roxanne | Agents of Decolonization: EU Civil Society, Bureaucrats, and Parliamentarians | Modern Europe | 2018 | Saada, Emmanuelle |
Hynes | Mairead | Activist Histories of Women's War Mobilization in Twentieth-Century Japan and the Untied States | East Asia | 2019 | Pflugelder, Gregory |
Katz | Mariana | The Labor of the State: The Politics of Unfree Work in Nineteenth-Century Paraguay | Latin America | 2018 | Milanich, Nara |
Ko | Nancy | Absorbent Empire: Oceanscapes of Finance Capitalism in the Global Mediterranean, 1840-1949 | Middle East | 2019 | Elshakry, Marwa and Khalidi, Rashid |
Le | Adrienne | The Vietnamese Buddhist Anti-War Movement, 1960-75. | International and Global | 2018 | Nguyen, Lien-Hang |
Liss | Caitlin | Making Creoles: Childhood and Child-rearing in New Spain, 1521-1810 | Latin America | 2019 | Pizzigoni, Caterina |
Malcolm | Rochelle | Great Brixton: A Cultural and Social History of Railton Road | Modern Europe | 2020 | Pedersen, Susan |
Mantilla Suarez | Rosa | "We Write for Those Who Understand our Language': The Politics of Modern Literary Taste in Postcolonial Upper Andes (1821-1912) | Latin America | 2021 | Piccato, Pablo |
Marantzidou | Charis | Making Russians Abroad: Education, Humanitarianism, and the Politics of Anti-Bolshevism,1920-1948 | Modern Europe | 2019 | Evtuhov, Catherine and Mazower, Mark |
Martin | Amanda | Whose Wilderness? Racial Access and Activism in the American Outdoors | United States | 2018 | Jacoby, Karl and Guridy, Frank |
Masood | Kamini | Troubled Waters: Natural Disaster, the State and the Self in Precolonial Panjab (1707-1849) | South Asia | 2021 | Ahmed, Manan |
McIntosh | Whitney | Anti-State, Anti-War, and Anti-Politics: Modern Libertarian Intellectual Culture, 1965-2000. | United States | 2018 | Blake, Casey |
Nadel | James | Jewish Speculation: Russian Jews and Financial Investment in Late Imperial Russia, 1870-1917. | Modern Europe | 2018 | Stanislawski, Michael and Evtuhov Catherine |
Niu | Samuel | Chinese Labor in the United States South and British Caribbean in the Age of Emancipation, 1838-1884 | United States | 2020 | McCurry, Stephanie |
Ogletree | Madison | A Peculiar Freedom: Law, Free People of Color, and the Making of the Old South 1760-1860 | United States | 2019 | McCurry, Stephanie |
Oh | Seokju | Uneven Development and the 'American Century,' 1921-1960 | United States | 2020 | Stephanson, Anders |
Osipova | Zinaida | Soviet Nitrogen: An International History of Dzerzhinsk's Chemical Industry | Modern Europe | 2020 | Evtuhov, Catherine |
Pan | Jay | The Political Economy of Mexican Developmentalism: State, Businesses, and Labor, 1946-1982 | Latin America | 2019 | Piccato, Pablo |
Partyga | Karolina | What’s Enough? Material Waste and Industrial States in Central Europe, 1949-90 | International and Global | 2019 | Mazurek, Malgorzata and Mazower, Mark |
Raine | Barnaby | Lost Horizon: Visions of Ending Capitalism and Britain’s Twentieth Century. | Modern Europe | 2016 | Tooze, Adam |
Ramos | Lucas Rene | A Far More Severe Law: Italian Queer Activists and the Catholic Nation in an Age of Western Sexual Revolution (1958-2000) | Modern Europe | 2019 | De Grazia, Victoria |
Robin | Marie | Managing Sex Overseas in the French Army: Bordel Militaire de Campagne (Mobile Field Brotherls), Sexual Violence and Decolonization in Vietnam and Algeria (c. 1940 - 1960s) | Modern Europe | 2020 | Nguyen, Lien-Hang and Saada, Emmanuelle |
Sadleir | William | Portrait of a Magistrate Court: Legal Culture in the Georgian Countryside. | Modern Europe | 2019 | Evtuhov, Catherine |
Santer | Janina | Postcolonial Nahda – Social Science, Welfare, and the State in Lebanon (1930s-1950s) | Middle East | 2021 | Elshakry, Marwa |
Sbitan | Jamil | Intimate Crises: Prostitution, Sexual Science, and Queer History in Egypt, 1834-2001. | Middle East | 2018 | Khalidi, Rashid |
Sharp | Lucy | A history of au-pairs in twentieth-century Britain | Modern Europe | 2019 | Pedersen, Susan |
Shepard | Nikita | A History of Public Bathrooms in the United States. | United States | 2018 | Chauncey, George |
Sifar | Ifadha | A Gulf Between: Labor Migration, Identity Formation and Claims to Belonging vis-à-vis Mannar, 1881-1961 | International and Global History | 2021 | Ahmed, Manan |
Solis | Gabriel | Of Maquilas and Miracles: Taiwan, the U.S. – Mexico Border and the Making of the Global Factory. | International and Global History | 2018 | Guridy, Frank |
Spooner | Amelia | Formally Free: Regulating Labor After Slavery in the French Empire, 1848–1914 | Modern Europe | 2017 | Saada, Emmanuelle |
Stadler | Lelia | Navigating Divorce Across the Rio de la Plata: Jews Family and the Rise of the Argentine Immigration Nation (1888-1968) | Jewish and Latin America | 2019 | Kobrin, Rebecca and Piccato, Pablo |
Steinman | Charles | "Beating and Binding at Their Command": Petty Officialdom and Enforcement in the Lower Rhone Valley, c. 1200–1350 | Medieval Europe | 2020 | Kosto, Adam |
Sundar | Anusha | Labour Migration, Health, Welfare in Colonial Madras, c.140-1920 | South Asia | 2021 | Sivaramakrishnan, Kavita |
Tomasson | Julia | Proof, Certainty, and the Authority of Mathematics across Europe and the Islamicate World (1400-1700 CE) | Early Modern | 2019 | Jones, Matt |
Villegas | Jordan | The View From Chapultepec: Texas Mexican Girlhood and Pocha Poltics 1928-1946 | United States | 2020 | Jacoby, Karl |
Wang | Danping | The Chinese War on Cancer: Cancer Research, Prevention and Treatment, 1950s-1990s. | East Asia | 2017 | Lean, Eugenia |
Wilkinson | Conor | A Social History of Plant and Insect Use in Africa's Great Lakes Region: From Early Times to the Nineteenth Century | Africa | 2017 | Stephens, Rhiannon |
Showing 1 to 58 of 58 entries