The Graduate Program

Columbia has been one of the most important centers of graduate education in history since modern Ph.D. programs began in America over a century ago. Our Department has a strongly international character, and our faculty and students are diverse in interests, origins, and intellectual orientations.

The History Department currently offers two graduate degrees: a Ph.D. program in which the M.A. and M.Phil. degrees are earned sequentially; and two M.A. programs associated with the department which are administered independently.

Our Ph.D. program produces innovative and rigorous research, and it is considered one of the best in the world. Its graduates hold distinguished positions in major universities across the United States and abroad, as well as in archives, libraries and research centers. We also train doctoral students in Sociomedical Sciences in collaboration with the Mailman School of Public Health.

The first of the M.A. programs is a dual MA/MSc degree in International and Global History, offered in partnership with the London School of Economics. The second is an M.A. in History and Literature, which is administered independently of the Department and is based at Reid Hall, Columbia’s campus in Paris.

View the Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information about the graduate program.


Director of Graduate Studies
Kim Phillips-Fein
521 Fayerweather Hall

(212) 853-4153 

PhD Program Coordinator
Azalia Resendiz
413 Fayerweather Hall
(212) 854-7001