Courses: First-year students in Early Modern European History are required to enroll in GR8910 Introduction to History and Historiography. Students are also advised to enroll in GR8061 Topics in Pre-Modern European History at some point during the first two years (if offered). Students are required to take two research courses during their first two years; they are strongly encouraged to take one each term, for a total of four. Normally the research requirement is fulfilled in 8000-level seminars, but students may substitute 3000-or 4000-level classes or independent study, if necessary, by arrangement with the instructor and the advisor. Students normally take three courses a term in the first year and two a term in the second year.
Languages: Students are required to pass language examinations in French and German before taking the oral exam. Other languages relevant to their research may in some cases be substituted for either French or German (with approval of their advisor).
Orals: Students normally take the oral exams by the end of the sixth term; they are encouraged to take the exam as early as possible during the third year. Students must have completed their language requirements prior to sitting the Orals exams. Orals fields in Early Modern European history vary considerably depending on the area of concentration, and will be decided upon in consultation with the student’s advisor. If a student fails any of the exam fields, at least two of the original Orals committee must convene for the re-examination.
Dissertation Prospectus: Students are encouraged to defend their dissertation prospectuses in their sixth term or early in their seventh.
Advanced Standing: Students with advanced standing are not required to take the second year of coursework, although they still must complete two terms of research courses and may wish to continue coursework beyond the first year. Although the sixth-term deadline noted above for orals coincides with the GSAS deadline for the M.Phil. for students with advanced standing, such students should discuss with their advisors an accelerated schedule for orals and the prospectus.