Butters, Jason (EALAC-Hist)

Field: East Asia; Advisor: Kreitman and Pedersen; Year: 2020

Jason Butters is a History-East Asia Ph.D. candidate researching transregional intellectual and cultural exchange through imperial Japan. Broadly defined, his interests include cultural exchange and cultural relations across the twentieth-century world; the international history of states’ uses of culture for power; the relationship between liberal internationalism, cultural nationalism, and state power; and imperial Japan and Tokyo as centres of global flows of peoples, ideas, and things. Jason’s dissertation traces the use of culture and cultural relations for state power and imperialism in early-twentieth-century Japan and beyond, illuminating the interconnectedness of internationalism, cultural nationalism, and state power. These subjects reflect his interest in social, cultural, and intellectual historical methods, diverse sources, and theories of power and culture.

Before arriving at Columbia, Jason completed a BA and MA (history) at Concordia University (Montréal, ’14 and ‘16) and an MA from Kobe University’s Graduate School of Law (‘20). He was born outside of Vancouver, British Columbia.

ジェイソン バターズ(BUTTERS, Jason)は近現代歴史学の博士号取得候補生である。主な関心は国家権力と自由主義国際主義、および文化的ナショナリズムの関連性である。それに加え、19・20世紀の世界中での日本や帝国諸国、支配下の領土と人々を繋いだ文化交流と移動にも興味がある。博士論文では、20世紀初頭の日本における国家権力と帝国主義のための国際的文化交流と対外文化紹介・宣伝の活用に着目し、国際主義それから文化的ナショナリズムと国家権力の相互関連性を明らかにする。
