October 31, 2018
Mae Ngai led a team of seven historians that wrote a public “Historians Comment” to the Department of Homeland Security’s proposal to change the immigration public charge policy, which aims to restrict legal immigration from people who might use benefits like Medicare and Food Stamps.
October 30, 2018
Tunç Şen was awarded an article prize for “Reading the Stars at the Ottoman Court: Bāyezīd II (r. 886/1481-918/1512) and His Celestial Interests” by Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes.
David Rosner contributed expertise and research to longstanding lawsuits against lead paint manufacturers; plaintiffs celebrated a recent victory which was discussed in an article on the Mailman School of Public Health’s website.
David Rosner will participate in a panel on the history of science denial and its consequences for global health on November 2nd. To register, please visit the New York Academy of Sciences website.
October 29, 2018
Stephan Sander-Faes’ new book Europas habsburgisches Jahrhundert is now available.