Frank Guridy appeared alongside co-panelist Megan Kimble for a special discussion moderated by Ben Philpott on the topic, “How Infrastructure Supports & Separates Us,” part of the Texas Book Festival.

Frank Guridy appeared alongside co-panelist Megan Kimble for a special discussion moderated by Ben Philpott on the topic, “How Infrastructure Supports & Separates Us,” part of the Texas Book Festival. Professor Guridy spoke about his recent book, The Stadium: An American History of Politics, Protest, and Play.

Mae Ngai was interviewed by Democracy Now!, where she breaks down the recent decision by a federal judge in Seattle to block Trump’s executive order aiming to end birthright citizenship and how the Trump Administration seeks to redefine the meaning of “jurisdiction” in the 14th Amendment to further deportation efforts.

Mae Ngai was interviewed by Democracy Now!, where she breaks down the recent decision by a federal judge in Seattle to block Trump’s executive order aiming to end birthright citizenship and how the Trump Administration seeks to redefine the meaning of “jurisdiction” in the 14th Amendment to further deportation efforts.

february 2025

6feb4:00 pm- 6:00 pmPetition of Laborers: Life of Workers under Indenture

12feb6:00 pm- 7:30 pmCelebrating Osiris 39: Disability and the History of Science

13feb6:00 pm- 7:30 pmThe Science of Music with Mohammad Sadegh Ansari: Knowledge Production in Medieval Baghdad and Beyond

21feb9:30 am- 5:15 pmLaw in Times of Emergency and Transition: Legal Perspectives on 40 Years of Democracy in Brazil

28feb10:00 am- 6:30 pmTechnologies of Sovereignty in Indigenous North America

28feb4:10 pm- 5:40 pmIslamic History Workshop - Singapore’s Islamic Pasts: Alexanders in an Island Below the Winds

march 2025

No Events

Marc Van De Mieroop, A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000 – 323 BC, 4th Edition. 2024: Wiley-Blackwell.

David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz, Building the Worlds that Kill Us: Disease, Death, and Inequality in American History. 2024: Columbia University Press

Mae Ngai, Chee Wang Ng, and Corky Lee (eds.), Corky Lee’s Asian America: Fifty Years of Photographic Justice Thinking Russia’s History Environmentally. 2024: Clarkson Potter

Catherine Evtuhov, Julia Lajus, and David Moon (eds.), Thinking Russia’s History Environmentally. 2023: Berghahn Books

Neslihan Senocak and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani . A People’s Church: Medieval Italy and Christianity, 1050 – 1300. 2023: Cornell University Press.
Neslihan Senocak. Lateran IV: Theology and Care of Souls. 2023: Brepols Publishers.
Carl Wennerlind. Scarcity: A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis. 2023: Harvard University Press.
Matthew L. Jones and Christopher Wiggins. How Data Happened: A History from the Age of Reason to the Age of Algorithms. 2023: W. W. Norton & Company.
Marc Van De Mieroop. Before and After Babel: Writing as Resistance in Ancient Near Eastern Empires. 2022: Oxford University Press.